Meaning of WYSIWYG in English



All WYSIWYG here in Quattro Pro 4 - not an add-in in sight.

Alternatively, switch into Page Review mode to get a WYSIWYG view.

Features of the Toolkit include a WYSIWYG Windows Generator for the generation of management windows.

However, icons are only available if you use the WYSIWYG add-in.

Quattro Pro doesn't have an add-in sight, yet manages to look brilliant in WYSIWYG mode.

The traditional method of setting type on computer-based systems is not WYSIWYG but code driven.

The whole idea of WYSIWYG is that you can see changes happening as you do things.

Whilst all these functions can be provided in a batch environment the real breakthrough came when WYSIWYG arrived.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.