Meaning of TAUTO- in English

tauto- combining form

▶ with plain suffix ¦tɔːt ə ʊ AmE ¦tɔːt̬ ə ¦tɑːt̬- — tautomeric ˌtɔːt ə ˈmer ɪk ◂ AmE ˌtɔːt̬- ˌtɑːt̬- BrE AmE

▶ with stress-imposing suffix tɔː ˈtɒ+ AmE tɔː ˈtɑː+ tɑː- — tautomerism tɔː ˈtɒm ə r ˌɪz ə m AmE -ˈtɑːm- tɑː- BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.