Meaning of BLUR in English

I. blur 1 /blɜː $ blɜːr/ BrE AmE noun [countable usually singular]

1 . a shape that you cannot see clearly

blur of

I saw the blur of the car as it passed in front of me.

The island was a blur through misty rain.

2 . something that you cannot remember clearly:

The days before the accident were a blur.

II. blur 2 BrE AmE verb ( past tense and past participle blurred , present participle blurring ) [intransitive and transitive]

[ Date: 1500-1600 ; Origin: Probably from blear ; ⇨ ↑ bleary ]

1 . to become difficult to see, or to make something difficult to see, because the edges are not clear:

The street lights were blurred by the fog.

Many of the details in the picture are blurred.

2 . to be unable to see clearly:

Tears blurred her eyes.

His vision was blurred.

3 . to make the difference between two ideas, subjects etc less clear:

His films blur the boundaries between fact and fiction.

The design of the conservatory is meant to blur the distinction between the house and the garden.

—blurry adjective :

a few blurry photos of their holiday

⇨ ↑ blurred

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.