Meaning of COMMUNICATION in English

com ‧ mu ‧ ni ‧ ca ‧ tion S2 W1 /kəˌmjuːnəˈkeɪʃ ə n, kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ ə n/ BrE AmE noun

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ communication , ↑ communicator ; verb : ↑ communicate ; adjective : ↑ communicative ≠ UNCOMMUNICATIVE ]

1 . [uncountable] the process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings:

Good communication is vital in a large organization.

Radio was the pilot’s only means of communication.

2 . communications

a) [plural] ways of sending information, especially using radio, telephone, or computers:

Modern communications are enabling more people to work from home.

b) [plural] roads, railways etc that are used for travelling and sending goods

communications with

Paris has good communications with many European cities.

c) [uncountable] the study of using radio, television, cinema etc to communicate:

a diploma in communications

3 . [uncountable] the way people express themselves so that other people will understand:

a week’s course in improving communication skills

There has been a breakdown in communication (=failure to communicate) .

4 . be in communication with somebody formal to talk or write to someone regularly

5 . [countable] formal a letter, message, or telephone call:

a communication from the Ministry of Defence

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COLLOCATIONS (for Meanings 1 & 3)

■ phrases

▪ a means of communication (=a way of exchanging information)

There were no roads and no means of communication with the people in the mountains.

▪ a line/channel of communication (=a way of exchanging information, especially in an organization)

It's important to maintain good lines of communication between managers and staff.

▪ a form/method/system of communication (=something you use to exchange information)

At university, lectures are the main form of communication.

▪ a medium of communication (=a way of exchanging information, especially through televison, art, music etc)

Photography is a very popular medium of communication.

▪ a lack of communication

Disagreements are often due to a lack of communication.

▪ a breakdown in communication (=a failure)

Differences in language and traditions can lead to a breakdown in communication.

■ adjectives

▪ good communication

In our company, there is good communication between the various departments.

▪ poor communication

There was poor communication between the air traffic controllers and the aircraft.

▪ effective communication

Effective communication plays a key role in the democratic process.

▪ direct communication

The new system allows more direct communication between teachers and parents.

▪ open communication (=involving everyone in a group)

The system is aimed at creating trust and open communication.

▪ mass communication (=involving many people in a country, the world etc)

Television, radio and other forms of mass communication have made the world a global village.

▪ human communication

Speech is the most effective method of human communication.

▪ verbal communication (=with words)

This activity is designed to improve students' verbal communication skills.

▪ non-verbal communication (=without words)

Your appearance and movements are both forms of non-verbal communication.

▪ electronic communication (=using computers)

Electronic communication encourages more information exchange.

▪ two-way communication (=in both directions)

Train drivers need two-way communication with the signal box at all times.

■ verbs

▪ establish communication

My job is to establish good communication with our hotel guests.

▪ facilitate communication (=make it easier)

Computers have facilitated global communication.

■ communication + NOUN

▪ communication skills

Most managers in business spend some time learning communication skills, so that they and their staff can understand each other.

▪ a communication system

The natural communication system for humans is speech.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.