Meaning of IMPOSING in English

im ‧ pos ‧ ing /ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ $ -ˈpoʊ-/ BrE AmE adjective

large, impressive, and appearing important:

an imposing building

He’s a tall, quietly spoken, but imposing figure.

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▪ impressive used about something that people admire because it is very good, large, important etc:

The cathedral is very impressive.


The drug has shown some impressive results.

▪ dazzling extremely impressive – used especially when someone does something very well or looks very beautiful:

a dazzling performance


a dazzling smile

▪ breathtaking extremely impressive – used especially about beautiful views, or the fast speed of something:

The views of the Rocky Mountains are simply breathtaking.


The economy is growing at a breathtaking pace.

▪ spectacular very impressive and exciting to look at or watch:

a spectacular fireworks display

▪ awe-inspiring so impressive that you feel great respect and admiration, or you feel rather frightened:

Michelangelo’s masterpiece is awe-inspiring.


The volcano was an awe-inspiring sight.

▪ majestic [usually before noun] very impressive because of being big and beautiful:

the majestic mountain scenery


a majestic animal

▪ imposing [usually before noun] written used about buildings and people that are large and impressive:

the imposing entrance hall


The bishop was an imposing figure.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.