Meaning of INSUFFICIENT in English

in ‧ suf ‧ fi ‧ cient AC /ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃ ə nt◂/ BrE AmE adjective formal

[ Word Family: verb : ↑ suffice ; noun : ↑ sufficiency ; adverb : ↑ sufficiently ≠ ↑ insufficiently ; adjective : ↑ sufficient ≠ ↑ insufficient ]

not enough, or not great enough:

Insufficient resources have been devoted to the health service.

insufficient for

His salary was insufficient for their needs.

insufficient (something) to do something

The heating is insufficient to kill the bacteria.

At the moment, there’s insufficient evidence to arrest anyone.

—insufficiently adverb

—insufficiency noun [singular, uncountable]

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.