Meaning of OPERA in English

op ‧ e ‧ ra /ˈɒp ə rə $ ˈɑː-/ BrE AmE noun

[ Date: 1600-1700 ; Language: Italian ; Origin: Latin , 'works' , plural of opus ; ⇨ ↑ opus ]

1 . [countable] a musical play in which all of the words are sung ⇨ operetta :

We go to the opera (=go to a performance of opera) regularly.

an opera singer

2 . [uncountable] these plays considered as a form of art

—operatic /ˌɒpəˈrætɪk◂ $ ˌɑː-/ adjective :

operatic performances

—operatically /-kli/ adverb

⇨ ↑ grand opera , ↑ soap opera

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.