Meaning of PAYABLE in English

pay ‧ a ‧ ble /ˈpeɪəb ə l/ BrE AmE adjective [not before noun]

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ pay , ↑ payment , ↑ repayment , ↑ payer , ↑ payee ; verb : ↑ pay , ↑ repay , ↑ underpay ≠ ↑ overpay ; adjective : paid ≠ ↑ unpaid , ↑ underpaid ≠ ↑ overpaid , ↑ payable ]

1 . a bill, debt etc that is payable must be paid

payable on

Tax is payable on the interest.

payable by

a fee of £49, payable by the tenant

payable to

State pensions become payable to women at age 60.

The rent is payable in advance.

2 . payable to somebody a cheque etc that is payable to someone has that person’s name written on it and should be paid to them:

Cheques should be made payable to the National Trust.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.