Meaning of PROFESSIONALISM in English

pro ‧ fes ‧ sion ‧ al ‧ is ‧ m AC /prəˈfeʃ ə nəlɪz ə m/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ profession , ↑ professional , ↑ professionalism ; adverb : ↑ professionally , ↑ unprofessionally ; adjective : ↑ professional ≠ ↑ unprofessional ]

1 . the skill and high standards of behaviour expected of a professional person:

the dedication and professionalism of our staff

2 . British English the practice of using professional players in sports:

Professionalism has raised the standard of rugby immensely.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.