Meaning of QUIZ in English

I. quiz 1 /kwɪz/ BrE AmE noun ( plural quizzes ) [countable]

1 . a competition or game in which people have to answer questions:

a love quiz in a magazine

a general knowledge quiz

quiz show especially British English :

I get fed up with television quiz shows.

quiz night British English :

a quiz night held in the local pub

2 . American English a short test that a teacher gives to a class:

a biology quiz

⇨ ↑ pop quiz

II. quiz 2 BrE AmE verb ( past tense and past participle quizzed , present participle quizzing ) [transitive]

[ Date: 1800-1900 ; Origin: quiz 'to look at closely' (18-19 centuries) , probably influenced by inquisitive ]

to ask someone a lot of questions SYN question

quiz somebody about something

Four men have been quizzed about the murder, but no one has yet been charged.

quiz somebody on/over something

They quizzed me on my involvement in the scheme.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.