Meaning of RACIST in English

rac ‧ ist /ˈreɪsəst, ˈreɪsɪst/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ race , ↑ racism , ↑ racist ; adjective : ↑ racial , ↑ multiracial , ↑ racist ; adverb : ↑ racially ]

someone who believes that people of their own race are better than others, and who treats people from other races unfairly and sometimes violently – used to show disapproval:

He denied being a racist.

—racist adjective :

the victim of a racist attack

racist violence

racist remarks

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■ people who are prejudiced

▪ racist someone who treats people of other races unfairly or badly:

When he expressed his opinion, he was branded a racist.

▪ bigot someone who has strong unreasonable opinions, especially about race or religion:

a racist bigot

▪ sexist someone, especially a man, who believes that their sex is better, more intelligent, more important etc than the other:

Will the sexists ever support a female President?

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.