Meaning of REQUIREMENT in English

re ‧ quire ‧ ment S2 W2 AC /rɪˈkwaɪəmənt $ -ˈkwaɪr-/ BrE AmE noun [countable usually plural]

[ Word Family: verb : ↑ require ; noun : ↑ requirement ]

1 . something that someone needs or asks for:

The refugees’ main requirements are food and shelter.

requirement of

Potatoes can provide one-third of our daily requirement of vitamin C.

meet/fulfil/satisfy a requirement (=have or do what is necessary)

The new computer system will meet all our requirements.

surplus to requirements British English (=more than is needed)

The increase in gas-fired power stations means traditional coal ones are becoming surplus to requirements.

2 . something that must be done because of a law or rule:

If you are installing a new bathroom, it has to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations.

Two measures have been introduced as legal requirements.

3 . something, especially good examination results, that a college, employer etc says you must have in order to do something

requirement for

English 4 is a requirement for English majors.

To find out about entry requirements for students, write to the college admissions board.

The minimum requirement for the post was a degree in engineering.

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COLLOCATIONS (for Meanings 1,2 & 3)

■ verbs

▪ meet a requirement (=have or do what is needed)

We finally found a house that seemed to meet all of our requirements.

▪ satisfy/fulfil a requirement formal (=meet them)

Our aim is to satisfy our customers’ requirements.

▪ comply with requirements formal (=have or do what a rule or law says is necessary)

Failure to comply with these requirements is a criminal offence.

▪ impose requirements formal (=state that something has to be done)

Because the regulations impose new requirements on small businesses, they will prove costly.

▪ suit sb’s requirements (=be suitable for someone in a particular situation)

You could design and build your own house to suit your requirements.

■ ADJECTIVES/NOUNS + requirement

▪ a special requirement

He modified the car to suit his own special requirements.

▪ a basic requirement

Water is a basic requirement of life.

▪ an essential requirement

Confidence is an essential requirement for success.

▪ a minimum requirement

That certificate is a minimum requirement for entry to music college.

▪ a legal/statutory requirement

There is no legal requirement to carry identity papers.

▪ safety requirements

All companies are required to meet Health and Safety requirements.

▪ entry requirements (=the skills, qualifications etc you must have in order to enter a school, university, or country, or to do a course)

Applicants must satisfy the normal entry requirements for the programme.

▪ energy requirements (=the amount of energy a place or person needs)

65 percent of the country’s energy requirements were met by imported oil.

■ phrases

▪ be surplus to requirements British English (=be more than is needed)

The old school building is now surplus to requirements.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.