Meaning of SCRUNCH in English

scrunch /skrʌntʃ/ BrE AmE verb [intransitive] informal

[ Date: 1700-1800 ; Origin: crunch ]

if stones, leaves etc scrunch as you walk on them, they make a noisy sound:

The dry leaves scrunched under our feet.

—scrunch noun [singular] :

the scrunch of gravel

scrunch something ↔ up phrasal verb

1 . to crush and twist something into a small round shape:

I scrunched up the letter and threw it in the bin.

2 . scrunch up your face/eyes to move the muscles in your face in a way that makes your eyes seem narrow:

He scrunched up his eyes and grinned.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.