Meaning of STYLISH in English

styl ‧ ish AC /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ style , ↑ styling , ↑ stylishness , ↑ stylist , ↑ stylistics , ↑ stylization ; adjective : ↑ stylish , ↑ stylistic , ↑ stylized ; adverb : ↑ stylishly , ↑ stylistically ; verb : ↑ style ]

attractive in a fashionable way:

a stylish woman in her forties

Jack is quite stylish.

a stylish restaurant in the West End

—stylishly adverb

—stylishness noun [uncountable]

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▪ fashionable popular at a particular time:

fashionable clothes


It was fashionable to have red hair.


His theories were fashionable in the 1980s.

▪ trendy informal modern and fashionable – often used in a slightly disapproving or joking way:

a trendy tie


a trendy restaurant


The area has become very trendy and a lot of artists live there.

▪ stylish adjective fashionable and well-designed in an attractive way:

She was wearing a stylish two-piece suit.


The furniture looked very stylish and modern.

▪ cool adjective informal fashionable – used especially when you think someone or something looks good:

Michael looked very cool in his dark jacket and sunglasses.


a cool shirt

▪ happening [only before noun] informal adjective a happening place is fashionable and lively:

London has always been a happening place.

▪ be in fashion verb phrase to be fashionable at a particular time:

The Sixties look is back in fashion.

▪ in adjective informal fashionable at a particular time. In is not used before a noun, except in the phrases below:

Pale colours are in.


New York was the in place to be.


Yoga has become the in thing to do.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.