Meaning of SWEETNESS in English

sweet ‧ ness /ˈswiːtnəs, ˈswiːtnɪs/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ sweet , ↑ sweetener , ↑ sweetness , ↑ sweetie ; verb : ↑ sweeten ; adverb : ↑ sweetly ; adjective : ↑ sweet ]

1 . how sweet something tastes or smells:

the sweetness of the wild rose

2 . how pleasant something is:

a smile of great sweetness

3 . be all sweetness and light

a) to behave in a way that is very pleasant and friendly, especially when you do not normally behave like this:

She’s all sweetness and light when Paul’s around.

b) to be enjoyable and without problems:

Life is not all sweetness and light.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.