Meaning of ADJUST in English


Pronunciation: ə - ' j ə st

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English ajusten, from Old French ajuster to make conform, from a- (fr. Latin ad- ) + juste right, exact ― more at JUST

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

1 a : to bring to a more satisfactory state: (1) : SETTLE , RESOLVE (2) : RECTIFY b : to make correspondent or conformable : ADAPT c : to bring the parts of to a true or more effective relative position < adjust a carburetor>

2 : to reduce to a system : REGULATE

3 : to determine the amount to be paid under an insurance policy in settlement of (a loss)

intransitive verb

1 : to adapt or conform oneself (as to new conditions)

2 : to achieve mental and behavioral balance between one's own needs and the demands of others

synonyms see ADAPT

– ad · just · abil · i · ty \ - ˌ j ə s-t ə - ' bi-l ə -t ē \ noun

– ad · just · able \ - ' j ə s-t ə -b ə l \ adjective

– ad · jus · tive \ - ' j ə s-tiv \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.