Meaning of ALTITUDE in English


Pronunciation: ' al-t ə - ˌ tüd also - ˌ tyüd

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin altitudo height, depth, from altus high, deep ― more at OLD

Date: 14th century

1 a : the angular elevation of a celestial object above the horizon b : the vertical elevation of an object above a surface (as sea level or land) of a planet or natural satellite c (1) : a perpendicular line segment from a vertex of a geometric figure (as a triangle or a pyramid) to the opposite side or the opposite side extended or from a side or face to a parallel side or face or the side or face extended (2) : the length of an altitude

2 : a high level (as of quality or feeling) <the altitude s of his anger>

3 a : vertical distance or extent b : position at a height c : an elevated region : EMINENCE ― usually used in plural

synonyms see HEIGHT

– al · ti · tu · di · nal \ ˌ al-t ə - ' tü-d ə n- ə l, - ' tyü- \ adjective

– al · ti · tu · di · nous \ -d ə n- ə s \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.