Meaning of CONGEST in English


Pronunciation: k ə n- ' jest

Function: verb

Etymology: Latin congestus, past participle of congerere to bring together, from com- + gerere to bear

Date: 1599

transitive verb

1 : to concentrate in a small or narrow space

2 : to cause an excessive accumulation especially of blood or mucus in (as an organ or part)

3 : CLOG <traffic congest ed the highways>

intransitive verb : to become congested

– con · ges · tion \ - ' jes-ch ə n, - ' jesh- \ noun

– con · ges · tive \ - ' jes-tiv \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.