Meaning of DEEP in English


Pronunciation: ' d ē p

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English dep, from Old English d ē op; akin to Old High German tiof deep, Old English dyppan to dip ― more at DIP

Date: before 12th century

1 : extending far from some surface or area: as a : extending far downward <a deep well> b (1) : extending well inward from an outer surface <a deep gash> <a deep -chested animal> (2) : not located superficially within the body < deep pressure receptors in muscles> c : extending well back from a surface accepted as front <a deep closet> d : extending far laterally from the center < deep borders of lace> e : occurring or located near the outer limits of the playing area <hit to deep right field> f : thrown deep <a deep pass>

2 : having a specified extension in an implied direction usually downward or backward <a shelf 20 inches deep > <cars parked three- deep >

3 a : difficult to penetrate or comprehend : RECONDITE < deep mathematical problems> b : MYSTERIOUS , OBSCURE <a deep dark secret> c : grave in nature or effect <in deep est disgrace> d : of penetrating intellect : WISE <a deep thinker> e : intensely engrossed or immersed <she was deep in her book> f : characterized by profundity of feeling or quality <a deep sleep> also : DEEP-SEATED < deep religious beliefs>

4 a of color : high in saturation and low in lightness b : having a low musical pitch or pitch range <a deep voice>

5 a : situated well within the boundaries <a house deep in the woods> b : remote in time or space c : being below the level of consciousness < deep neuroses> d : covered, enclosed, or filled to a specified degree ― usually used in combination <ankle- deep in mud>

6 : LARGE < deep discounts>

7 : having many good players <a deep bull pen>

synonyms see BROAD

– deep · ly adverb

– deep · ness noun

– in deep water : in difficulty or distress

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.