Meaning of DEMON in English


Variant: or dae · mon

Pronunciation: ' d ē -m ə n

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English demon, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin daemon evil spirit, from Latin, divinity, spirit, from Greek daim ō n, probably from daiesthai to distribute ― more at TIDE

Date: 13th century

1 a : an evil spirit b : a source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin

2 usually daemon : an attendant power or spirit : GENIUS

3 usually daemon : a supernatural being of Greek mythology intermediate between gods and men

4 : one that has exceptional enthusiasm, drive, or effectiveness <a demon for work>

– de · mo · ni · an \ di- ' m ō -n ē - ə n \ adjective

– de · mon · i · za · tion \ ˌ d ē -m ə -n ə - ' z ā -sh ə n \ noun

– de · mon · ize \ ' d ē -m ə - ˌ n ī z \ transitive verb

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