Meaning of EPIGEAL in English

Pronunciation: ˌ e-pi- ' j ē - ə l

Variant: also epi · ge · an \ - ' j ē - ə n \ or epi · ge · ous \ - ' j ē - ə s \ or epi · ge · ic \ - ' j ē -ik \

Function: adjective

Etymology: Greek epigaios upon the earth, from epi- + gaia earth

Date: 1861

1 of a cotyledon : forced above ground by elongation of the hypocotyl

2 : marked by the production of epigeal cotyledons < epigeal germination>

3 : living on or near the surface of the ground also : relating to or being the environment near the surface of the ground

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.