Meaning of FORTUNE in English


Pronunciation: ' fo ̇ r-ch ə n

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin fortuna; akin to Latin fort-, fors chance, luck, and perhaps to ferre to carry ― more at BEAR

Date: 14th century

1 often capitalized : a hypothetical force or personified power that unpredictably determines events and issues favorably or unfavorably

2 obsolete : ACCIDENT , INCIDENT

3 a : prosperity attained partly through luck : SUCCESS b : LUCK 1 c plural : the turns and courses of luck accompanying one's progress (as through life) <her fortune s varied but she never gave up>

4 : DESTINY , FATE <can tell your fortune > also : a prediction of fortune

5 a : RICHES , WEALTH <a man of fortune > b : a store of material possessions <the family fortune > c : a very large sum of money <spent a fortune redecorating>

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