Meaning of HONKY-TONK in English

Pronunciation: ' hä ŋ -k ē - ˌ tä ŋ k, ' ho ̇ ŋ -k ē - ˌ to ̇ ŋ k

Function: noun

Etymology: origin unknown

Date: 1894

1 : a usually tawdry nightclub or dance hall especially : one that features country music

2 : a district marked by places of cheap entertainment

3 : country music that has a heavy beat and lyrics dealing usually with vice or misfortune

– hon · ky-tonk · er \ - ˌ tä ŋ -k ə r, - ˌ to ̇ ŋ - \ noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.