Meaning of INTERVAL in English


Pronunciation: ' in-t ə r-v ə l

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English intervalle, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French entreval, from Latin intervallum space between ramparts, interval, from inter- + vallum rampart ― more at WALL

Date: 14th century

1 a : a space of time between events or states b British : INTERMISSION

2 a : a space between objects, units, points, or states b : difference in pitch between tones

3 : a set of real numbers between two numbers either including or excluding one or both of them

4 : one of a series of fast-paced exercises interspersed with slower ones or brief rests for training (as of an athlete)

– in · ter · val · lic \ ˌ in-t ə r- ' va-lik \ adjective

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