Meaning of NUCLEATE in English


Pronunciation: ' nü-kl ē - ˌ ā t, ' nyü-

Function: verb

Inflected Form: -at · ed ; -at · ing

Etymology: Late Latin nucleatus, past participle of nucleare to become stony, from Latin nucleus

Date: circa 1864

transitive verb

1 : to form into a nucleus : CLUSTER

2 : to act as a nucleus for

3 : to supply nuclei to

intransitive verb

1 : to form a nucleus

2 : to act as a nucleus

3 : to begin to form

– nu · cle · ation \ ˌ nü-kl ē - ' ā -sh ə n, ˌ nyü- \ noun

– nu · cle · a · tor \ ' nü-kl ē - ˌ ā -t ə r, ' nyü- \ noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.