Meaning of OXIDIZE in English


Pronunciation: ' äk-s ə - ˌ d ī z

Function: verb

Inflected Form: -dized ; -diz · ing

Date: 1806

transitive verb

1 : to combine with oxygen

2 : to dehydrogenate especially by the action of oxygen

3 : to change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence : remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule)

intransitive verb : to become oxidized

– ox · i · diz · able \ ˌ äk-s ə - ' d ī -z ə -b ə l \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.