Meaning of PLANET in English


Pronunciation: ' pla-n ə t

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English planete, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin planeta, modification of Greek plan ē t-, plan ē s, literally, wanderer, from planasthai to wander ― more at FLOOR

Date: 13th century

1 a : any of the seven celestial bodies sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn that in ancient belief have motions of their own among the fixed stars b (1) : any of the large bodies that revolve around the sun in the solar system (2) : a similar body associated with another star c : EARTH ― usually used with the

2 : a celestial body held to influence the fate of human beings

3 : a person or thing of great importance : LUMINARY

– plan · et · like \ - ˌ l ī k \ adjective

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