Meaning of SIMILAR in English


Pronunciation: ' si-m ə -l ə r, ' sim-l ə r

Function: adjective

Etymology: French similaire, from Latin similis like, similar ― more at SAME

Date: 1611

1 : having characteristics in common : strictly comparable

2 : alike in substance or essentials : CORRESPONDING <no two animal habitats are exactly similar ― W. H. Dowdeswell>

3 : not differing in shape but only in size or position < similar triangles> < similar polygons>

– sim · i · lar · ly adverb

synonyms SIMILAR , ANALOGOUS , PARALLEL mean closely resembling each other. SIMILAR implies the possibility of being mistaken for each other <all the houses in the development are similar >. ANALOGOUS applies to things belonging in essentially different categories but nevertheless having many similarities < analogous political systems>. PARALLEL suggests a marked likeness in the development of two things <the parallel careers of two movie stars>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.