Meaning of SYNTHETIC in English


Pronunciation: sin- ' the-tik

Function: adjective

Etymology: Greek synthetikos of composition, component, from syntithenai to put together

Date: 1697

1 : relating to or involving synthesis : not analytic <the synthetic aspects of a philosophy>

2 : attributing to a subject something determined by observation rather than analysis of the nature of the subject and not resulting in self-contradiction if negated ― compare ANALYTIC

3 : characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships < synthetic languages>

4 a (1) : of, relating to, or produced by chemical or biochemical synthesis especially : produced artificially < synthetic drugs> < synthetic silk> (2) : of or relating to a synfuel b : devised, arranged, or fabricated for special situations to imitate or replace usual realities c : FACTITIOUS , BOGUS

– syn · thet · i · cal · ly \ -ti-k( ə -)l ē \ adverb

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