Meaning of TRANSCENDENTAL in English


Pronunciation: ˌ tran(t)- ˌ sen- ' den-t ə l, -s ə n-

Function: adjective

Date: 1624

1 a : TRANSCENDENT 1B b : SUPERNATURAL c : ABSTRUSE , ABSTRACT d : of or relating to transcendentalism

2 a : incapable of being the root of an algebraic equation with rational coefficients < π is a transcendental number> b : being, involving, or representing a function (as sin x, log x, e x ) that cannot be expressed by a finite number of algebraic operations < transcendental curves>

3 in Kantian philosophy a : of or relating to experience as determined by the mind's makeup b : transcending experience but not human knowledge


– tran · scen · den · tal · ly \ -t ə l- ē \ adverb

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