Meaning of UPSET in English


Pronunciation: ( ˌ ) ə p- ' set

Function: verb

Inflected Form: -set ; -set · ting

Date: 1677

transitive verb

1 : to thicken and shorten (as a heated bar of iron) by hammering on the end : SWAGE

2 : to force out of the usual upright, level, or proper position : OVERTURN

3 a : to trouble mentally or emotionally : disturb the poise of <the news upset me> b : to throw into disorder c : INVALIDATE d : to defeat unexpectedly <was upset in the primary>

4 : to cause a physical disorder in specifically : to make somewhat ill <spicy food upset s my stomach>

intransitive verb : to become overturned

synonyms see DISCOMPOSE

– up · set · ter noun

– upset the apple cart : to disturb or overturn a natural or stable order

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.