Meaning of ANNOY in English

[an.noy] vb [ME anoien, fr. MF enuier, fr. LL inodiare to make loathsome, fr. L in + odium hatred--more at odium] vt (13c) 1: to disturb or irritate esp. by repeated acts

2: to harass esp. by quick brief attacks ~ vi: to cause annoyance -- n syn annoy, vex, irk, bother mean to upset a person's composure. annoy implies a wearing on the nerves by persistent petty unpleasantness "their constant complaining annoys us". vex implies greater provocation and stronger disturbance and usu. connotes anger but sometimes perplexity or anxiety "vexed by her teenager's failure to pick up his room". irk stresses difficulty in enduring and the resulting weariness or impatience of spirit "careless waste irks the boss". bother suggests interference with comfort or peace of mind "don't bother me while I'm reading". syn see in addition worry

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