Meaning of -ANT in English

[-ant] n suffix [ME, fr. OF, fr. -ant, prp. suffix, fr. L -ant-, -ans, prp. suffix of first conjugation, fr. -a- (stem vowel of first conjugation) + -nt-, -ns, prp. suffix; akin to OE -nde, prp. suffix, Gk -nt-, -n, part. suffix] 1 a: one that performs (a specified action): personal or impersonal agent "claimant" "coolant" b: thing that promotes (a specified action or process) "expectorant"

2: one connected with "annuitant"

3: thing acted upon (in a specified manner) "inhalant"

[2]-ant adj suffix 1: performing (a specified action) or being (in a specified condition) "somnambulant"

2: promoting (a specified action or process) "expectorant"

Merriam-Webster English vocab.      Английский словарь Merriam Webster.