Meaning of BEND in English

[bend] vb bent ; [ME, fr. OE bendan; akin to OE bend fetter--more at band] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to constrain or strain to tension by curving "~ a bow"

2. a: to turn or force from straight or even to curved or angular b: to force from a proper shape c: to force back to an original straight or even condition

3: fasten "~ a sail to its yard"

4. a: to cause to turn from a straight course: deflect b: to guide or turn toward: direct c: incline, dispose d: to adapt to one's purpose: distort "~ the rules"

5: to direct strenuously or with interest: apply

6: to make submissive: subdue ~ vi 1: to curve out of a straight line or position; specif: to incline the body in token of submission

2: to apply oneself vigorously "~ing to their work"

3: incline, tend

4: to make concessions: compromise -- bend.a.ble adj -- bend one's ear : to talk to someone at length

[2]bend n (15c) 1: the act or process of bending: the state of being bent

2: something that is bent: as a: a curved part of a stream or road b: [1]wale 2--usu. used in pl. 3 pl but sing or pl in constr: a sometimes fatal disorder that is marked by neuralgic pains and paralysis, distress in breathing, and often collapse and that is caused by the release of gas bubbles (as of nitrogen) in tissue upon too rapid decrease in air pressure after a stay in a compressed atmosphere--usu. used with the--called also caisson disease, decompression sickness--compare aeroembolism -- around the bend : mad, crazy [3]bend n [ME, fr. MF bende, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG binta, bant band--more at band] (15c) 1: a diagonal band that runs from the dexter chief to the sinister base on a heraldic shield--compare bend sinister

2. [ME, band, fr. OE bend fetter--more at band]: a knot by which one rope is fastened to another or to some object

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