Meaning of BURROW in English

[bur.row] n [ME borow] (13c): a hole or excavation in the ground made by an animal (as a rabbit) for shelter and habitation

[2]burrow vt (1602) 1 archaic: to hide in or as if in a burrow

2. a: to construct by tunneling b: to penetrate by means of a burrow

3: to make a motion suggestive of burrowing with: nestle "~s her hand into mine" ~ vi 1: to conceal oneself in or as if in a burrow

2. a: to make a burrow b: to progress by or as if by digging

3: to make a motion suggestive of burrowing: snuggle, nestle "~ed against his back for warmth" -- bur.row.er n

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