Meaning of COCKLE in English

[cock.le] n [ME, fr. OE coccel] (bef. 12c): any of several weedy plants of the pink family; esp: corn cockle

[2]cockle n [ME cokille, fr. MF coquille shell, modif. of L conchylia, pl. of conchylium, fr. Gk konchylion, fr. konche conch] (14c) 1: any of various chiefly marine bivalve mollusks (family Cardiidae) having a shell with convex radially ribbed valves; esp: a common edible European bivalve (Cerastoderma edule syn. Cardium edule)

2: cockleshell [3]cockle n [ME kokell, ultim. fr. MF coquille wavy or rounded like a shell, fr. coquille] (15c): pucker, wrinkle -- cockle vb

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