Meaning of CONK in English

[conk] vt [E slang conk head] (1821): to hit esp. on the head: knock out

[2]conk n [prob. alter. of conch] (1851): the visible fruiting body of a bracket fungus; also: decay caused by such a fungus -- conky adj [3]conk vi [prob. imit.] (1918) 1: break down; esp: stall--usu. used with out "the motor suddenly ~ed out"

2. a: faint b: to go to sleep--usu. used with off or out "~ed out for a while after lunch" c: die "I caught pneumonia. I almost ~ed --Truman Capote" [4]conk vt [prob. by shortening & alter. fr. congolene preparation used for straightening hair] (1950): to straighten out (hair) usu. by the use of chemicals [5]conk n (1965): a hairstyle in which the hair is straightened out and flattened down or lightly waved--called also process

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