Meaning of COUNTERFEIT in English

[coun.ter.feit] adj [ME countrefet, fr. MF contrefait, fr. pp. of contrefaire to imitate, fr. contre- + faire to make, fr. L facere--more at do] (14c) 1: made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive: forged "~ money"

2. a: insincere, feigned "~ sympathy" b: imitation "~ Georgian houses"

[2]counterfeit vt (14c): to imitate or feign esp. with intent to deceive; also: to make a fraudulent replica of "~ing $20 bills" ~ vi 1: to try to deceive by pretense or dissembling

2: to engage in counterfeiting something of value syn see assume -- n [3]counterfeit n (15c) 1: something counterfeit: forgery

2: something likely to be mistaken for something of higher value "pity was a ~ of love --Harry Hervey" syn see imposture

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