Meaning of CREOSOTE in English

[cre.o.sote] n [G Kreosot, fr. Gk kreas flesh + soter preserver, fr. sozein to preserve, fr. sos safe (prob. akin to Skt taviti he is strong); fr. its antiseptic properties--more at raw] (1835) 1: a clear or yellowish flammable oily liquid mixture of phenolic compounds obtained by the distillation of wood tar esp. from beech wood

2: a brownish oily liquid consisting chiefly of aromatic hydrocarbons obtained by distillation of coal tar and used esp. as a wood preservative

3: a dark brown or black flammable tar deposited from esp. wood smoke on the walls of a chimney

[2]creosote vt -sot.ed ; (1846): to treat with creosote

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