Meaning of DEFAULT in English

[de.fault] n [ME defaute, defaulte, fr. OF defaute, fr. defaillir to be lacking, fail, fr. de- + faillir to fail] (13c) 1: failure to do something required by duty or law: neglect

2. archaic: fault

3: a failure to pay financial debts

4. a: failure to appear at the required time in a legal proceeding b: failure to compete in or to finish an appointed contest

5: a selection automatically used by a computer program in the absence of a choice made by the user -- in default of : in the absence of

[2]default vi (15c): to fail to fulfill a contract, agreement, or duty: as a: to fail to meet a financial obligation b: to fail to appear in court c: to fail to compete in or to finish an appointed contest; also: to forfeit a contest by such failure ~ vt 1: to fail to perform, pay, or make good

2. a: forfeit b: to exclude (a player or a team) from a contest by default -- n

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