Meaning of DETERMINE in English

[de.ter.mine] vb de.ter.mined ; [ME, fr. MF determiner, fr. L determinare, fr. de- + terminare to limit, fr. terminus boundary, limit--more at term] vt (14c) 1 a: to fix conclusively or authoritatively b: to decide by judicial sentence c: to settle or decide by choice of alternatives or possibilities d: resolve

2. a: to fix the form, position, or character of beforehand: ordain "two points ~ a straight line" b: to bring about as a result: regulate "demand ~s the price" 3 a: to fix the boundaries of b: to limit in extent or scope c: to put or set an end to: terminate "~ an estate"

4: to find out or come to a decision about by investigation, reasoning, or calculation "~ the answer to the problem" "~ a position at sea"

5: to bring about the determination of "~ the fate of a cell" ~ vi 1: to come to a decision

2: to come to an end or become void syn see decide, discover

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