Meaning of DICE in English

[dice] n, pl dice [ME dyce, fr. dees, dyce, pl. of dee die--more at die] (14c) 1 a: die 1a b: a gambling game played with dice

2. pl also dic.es : a small cubical piece (as of food)

3: a close contest between two racing-car drivers for position during a race -- no dice 1: of no avail: no use: futile

2: [1]no 3 "said no dice to my request"

[2]dice vb diced ; dic.ing [ME dycen, fr. dyce] vt (14c) 1 a: to cut into small cubes b: to ornament with square markings "diced leather"

2. a: to bring by playing dice "~ himself into debt" b: to lose by dicing "~ her money away" ~ vi 1: to play games with dice "~ for drinks in the bar --Malcolm Lowry"

2: to take a chance "the temptation to ~ with death --Newsweek" -- dic.er n

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