Meaning of DISPOSE in English

[dis.pose] vb dis.posed ; dis.pos.ing [ME, fr. MF disposer, fr. L disponere to arrange (perf. indic. disposui), fr. dis- + ponere to put--more at position] vt (14c) 1: to give a tendency to: incline "faulty diet ~s one to sickness"

2. a: to put in place: set in readiness: arrange "disposing troops for withdrawal" b obs: regulate c: bestow ~ vi 1: to settle a matter finally

2. obs: to come to terms syn see incline -- dis.pos.er n -- dispose of 1: to place, distribute, or arrange esp. in an orderly way

2. a: to transfer to the control of another "disposing of personal property to a total stranger" b (1): to get rid of "how to dispose of toxic waste" (2): to deal with conclusively "disposed of the matter efficiently"

[2]dispose n (1590) 1 obs: disposal

2. obs a: disposition b: demeanor

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