Meaning of EDITION in English

[edi.tion] n [MF, fr. L edition-, editio publication, edition, fr. edere to bring forth, publish, fr. e- + -dere to put or -dere (fr. dare to give)--more at do, date] (1555) 1 a: the form or version in which a text is published "a paperback ~" "the German ~" b (1): the whole number of copies published at one time (2): a usu. special issue of a newspaper (as for a particular day or purpose) "Sunday ~" "international ~" (3): one of the usu. several issues of a newspaper in a single day "city ~" "late ~"

2. a: one of the forms in which something is presented "this year's ~ of the annual charity ball" b: the whole number of articles of one style put out at one time "a limited ~ of collectors' pieces"

3: copy, version

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