Meaning of EMPLOY in English

[em.ploy] vt [ME emploien, fr. MF emploier, fr. L implicare to enfold, involve, implicate, fr. in- + plicare to fold--more at ply] (15c) 1 a: to make use of (someone or something inactive) "~ a pen for sketching" b: to use (as time) advantageously c (1): to use or engage the services of (2): to provide with a job that pays wages or a salary

2: to devote to or direct toward a particular activity or person "~ed all her energies to help the poor" syn see use -- em.ploy.er n

[2]em.ploy n (1666) 1 a: use, purpose b: occupation, job

2: the state of being employed "in the government's ~"

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