Meaning of EXCEPT in English

[ex.cept] also ex.cept.ing prep (14c): with the exclusion or exception of "daily ~ Sundays"

[2]except vb [ME, fr. MF excepter, fr. L exceptare, fr. exceptus, pp. of excipere to take out, except, fr. ex- + capere to take--more at heave] vt (14c): to take or leave out from a number or a whole: exclude ~ vi: to take exception: object -- ex.cep.tive adj [3]except also excepting conj (15c) 1: on any other condition than that: unless "~ you repent"

2: with this exception, namely "was inaccessible ~ by boat"

3: only--often followed by that "I would go ~ that it's too far"

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