Meaning of EXHIBIT in English

[ex.hib.it] vb [ME, fr. L exhibitus, pp. of exhibere, fr. ex- + habere to have, hold--more at give] vt (15c) 1: to submit (as a document) to a court or officer in course of proceedings; also: to present or offer officially or in legal form

2: to present to view: as a: to show or display outwardly esp. by visible signs or actions "~ed no fear" b: to have as a readily discernible quality or feature "in all cultures we know, men ~ an aesthetic sense --H. J. Muller" c: to show publicly esp. for purposes of competition or demonstration ~ vi: to display something for public inspection syn see show -- ex.hib.i.tive adj -- ex.hib.i.tor n -- ex.hib.i.to.ry adj

[2]exhibit n (1626) 1: a document or material object produced and identified in court or before an examiner for use as evidence

2: something exhibited

3: an act or instance of exhibiting

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