Meaning of EXPAND in English

[ex.pand] vb [ME expaunden, fr. L expandere, fr. ex- + pandere to spread--more at fathom] vt (15c) 1: to open up: unfold

2: to increase the extent, number, volume, or scope of: enlarge 3 a: to express at length or in greater detail b: to write out in full "~ all abbreviations" c: to subject to mathematical expansion "~ a function in a power series" ~ vi 1: to open out: spread

2: to increase in extent, number, volume, or scope

3: to speak or write fully or in detail "~ed on the theme"

4: to feel generous or optimistic -- ex.pand.abil.i.ty n -- ex.pand.able adj syn expand, amplify, swell, distend, inflate, dilate mean to increase in size or volume. expand may apply whether the increase comes from within or without and regardless of manner (as growth, unfolding, addition of parts). amplify implies the extension or enlargement of something inadequate. swell implies gradual expansion beyond a thing's original or normal limits. distend implies outward extension caused by pressure from within. inflate implies expanding by introduction of air or something insubstantial and suggests a resulting vulnerability and liability to sudden collapse. dilate applies esp. to expansion of circumference.

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