Meaning of FAWN in English

[fawn] vi [ME faunen, fr. OE fagnian to rejoice, fr. faegen, fagan glad--more at fain] (13c) 1: to show affection--used esp. of a dog

2: to court favor by a cringing or flattering manner -- fawn.er n -- fawn.ing.ly adv syn fawn, toady, truckle, cringe, cower mean to behave abjectly before a superior. fawn implies seeking favor by servile flattery or exaggerated attention "waiters fawning over a celebrity". toady suggests the attempt to ingratiate oneself by an abjectly menial or subservient attitude "toadying to his boss". truckle implies the subordination of oneself and one's desires or judgment to those of a superior "truckling to a powerful lobbyist". cringe suggests a bowing or shrinking in fear or servility "a cringing sycophant". cower suggests a display of abject fear in the company of threatening or domineering people "cowering before a bully".

[2]fawn n [ME foun, fr. MF feon, faon young of an animal, fr. (assumed) VL feton-, feto, fr. L fetus offspring--more at fetus] (14c) 1: a young deer; esp: one still unweaned or retaining a distinctive baby coat

2: kid 1

3: a light grayish brown

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