Meaning of FERRET in English

[fer.ret] n [ME furet, ferret, fr. MF furet, fr. (assumed) VL furittus, lit., little thief, dim. of L fur thief--more at furtive] (14c) 1: a partially domesticated usu. albino European polecat that is sometimes classed as a separate species (Mustela furo)

2: an active and persistent searcher -- fer.rety adj

[2]ferret vi (15c) 1: to hunt with ferrets

2: to search about ~ vt 1 a (1): to hunt (as rabbits) with ferrets (2): to force out of hiding: flush b: to find and bring to light by searching--usu. used with out "~ out the answers"

2: harry, worry -- fer.ret.er n [3]ferret n [prob. modif. of It fioretti floss silk, fr. pl. of fioretto, dim. of fiore flower, fr. L flor-, flos--more at blow] (1649): a narrow cotton, silk, or wool tape--called also ferreting

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